Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Salt Lake City, UT

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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Salt Lake City, Utah

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Salt Lake City, UT

If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to consult a motorcycle accident lawyer in Salt Lake City, UT promptly. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your losses. Here are some frequently asked questions about motorcycle accidents.

What are the most common causes of motorcycle accidents?

Motorcyclists have to be alert at all times while on the road. However, even if they are careful, accidents can still happen. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents. If motorists are distracted by cellphones or other items, they may lose focus of the road ahead and even miss an oncoming motorcyclist. If it’s rainy or foggy outside, motorists may also have trouble seeing motorcyclists. 

What are the most common motorcycle accident injuries?

Motorcyclists are at a greater risk of suffering serious injuries during accidents because they don’t have the protection of a vehicle. Common motorcycle accident injuries include traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, road rash, biker’s arm, spinal cord injuries and loss of limbs. Motorcyclists can lessen the severity of some of these injuries by wearing the proper protective gear, like helmets, jackets and pants.

What steps should I take after a motorcycle accident?

If you get into a motorcycle accident, you should first call the police. They will come to the scene of the accident and make a report. Then, seek emergency medical care. A doctor will evaluate your injuries and recommend the proper treatment. Next, discuss your case with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Salt Lake City, UT. He or she will assess the details of your case and help you file a claim against the negligent party.

When should you file a motorcycle accident lawsuit?

In Utah, the statute of limitations to file a motorcycle lawsuit is four years. While that might seem like a long time, you shouldn’t use that as an excuse to procrastinate. Evidence and witnesses can disappear after time, so you should file a lawsuit with the assistance of a lawyer soon.

If I wasn’t wearing a helmet, can I still recover damages from a motorcycle accident?

It’s critical to always wear a helmet when you’re riding a motorcycle. However, not wearing one won’t prevent you from pursuing compensation after an accident if another driver was at fault.

Schedule a consultation with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Salt Lake City, UT. You need a strong advocate to protect your interests — the attorneys of Rasmussen & Miner are prepared to help you.