Spinal Cord Injuries Caused by Hospital Malpractice

When a victim suffers a spinal cord injury, it can have a major impact on their quality of life, both physically and psychologically. Our Salt Lake City, UT hospital malpractice lawyer understands that when the injury was caused by the negligence or carelessness of a medical professional, it can be even that much more devastating. The spinal cord is made up of a bundle of nerves that run from the brain down the back. These nerves allow the brain to control all the muscles that move the arms and legs, as well as control other body functions. When the spinal cord is injured, this causes a disruption of the signal between the brain and the nerves. Spinal cord injury victims often struggle with chronic pain, respiratory issues, and paralysis, depending on the extent of the injuries. The spine is one of the most delicate and vulnerable parts of the body and any medical professional who works with the spine needs to practice with the utmost standard of care. If you have suffered a spinal injury due to malpractice, contact Rasmussen & Miner today to schedule a consultation.

How Malpractice Can Lead to a Spinal Cord Injury

Many spinal cord injuries are caused by accidents, such as car accidents and slip and fall injuries. However, as a hospital malpractice lawyer in Salt Lake City UT can attest, there are also many spinal cord injuries which are caused by malpractice by a medical professional. Some of the more common types of spinal cord injury causes that a Salt Lake City UT hospital malpractice lawyer from Rasmussen & Miner has dealt with include:

  • Emergency Room Errors: If there is a misdiagnosis of a broken back or spinal fracture when a victim seeks emergency care, this can cause the injury to worsen, sometimes to the point where it becomes permanent. One of the most common errors that a Salt Lake City UT hospital malpractice lawyer sees is failure of medical staff to properly immobilize the victim’s head and neck or the victim is moved incorrectly.
  • Anesthesia Errors: If anesthesia is improperly administered during a medical procedure, this creates a dangerous risk of spinal epidural hematoma. This condition can cause an injury to the spinal cord.
  • Surgical Errors: Any type of surgery to the spine is a very delicate procedure. When a patient is undergoing spinal surgery, it is critical that medical staff make sure that the patient is positioned correctly and constantly monitored. The surgeon performing the procedure must also have extensive medical training and experience in the procedure. Otherwise, catastrophic errors can occur during the surgery which can leave the patient with spinal cord damage and injury.

When a victim has suffered a spinal cord injury due to malpractice, the severity of the injury will depend on the area where the injury occurred. The higher the injury on the spine, the more severe the damage. Some of the more common complications include:

  •       Chronic health issues
  •       Loss of sensation
  •       Chronic pain
  •       Paralysis

Spinal cord injury victims often face a lifetime of medical bills, loss of earning potential, chronic pain, and negative impact on their quality of life. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to the negligence of a medical professional, contact a hospital malpractice lawyer Salt Lake City UT clients recommended by Rasmussen & Miner for a free and confidential case evaluation.

Contact Our Salt Lake City Hospital Malpractice Lawyer Today

Don’t let your child suffer any more than he or she already has. Get in touch with a qualified hospital malpractice lawyer, and get started on the road to justice, closure, and compensation.

When you contact a lawyer, you’re getting a legal advocate who can help you get much-needed compensation that can help pay for the injuries you and your child experienced – and you’re also taking a step towards ensuring those injuries don’t happen to anyone else. Contact a Salt Lake City hospital malpractice lawyer from Rasmussen & Miner today.