
Common mistakes individuals make when arrested with a DWI

When searching for a DWI lawyer Salt Lake City can provide, you may have concerns about how to proceed. Staying aware of common mistakes may help you avoid these problems. Here are some common mistakes individuals make when arrested with a DWI: 1.Automatically Pleading Guilty If your blood alcohol level was above the legal limit…

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What Are the Differences Between Criminal Charges vs. a Civil Lawsuit?

When you are arrested on criminal charges, the criminal justice system has jurisdiction over your case from its beginning to its conclusion. However, if someone was harmed while you were allegedly driving while intoxicated and that individual files a lawsuit against you, this claim will not be handled by the criminal justice system. This process…

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Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other healthcare professional acts negligently and harms their patient as a result. Here are the most common types of medical malpractice. Medication errors. Prescription medications can treat many types of illnesses and have prolonged many people’s lives. However, if these medications aren’t used properly, they can have disastrous…

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What To Look For in a Medical Malpractice Attorney

The first question you should ask any prospective medical malpractice lawyer in Salt Lake City, UT is: what is your experience with cases like mine? Not only do you want an attorney with extensive legal experience, but you want that experience to extend to medical malpractice. You should also search for attorneys with a strong…

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Do You Have Grounds Upon Which to File a Medical Malpractice Claim?

It isn’t always easy to know whether a patient has suffered as a result of medical negligence. Most Americans are unaware of the standards of care that must be met—by law—in any given medical situation. Additionally, it simply isn’t always easy to know whether any particular kind of suffering could have been prevented had the…

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What Is Maximum Medical Improvement?

Once you have suffered a work-related injury, it becomes imperative that you understand what is meant by maximum medical improvement, better known as MMI. MMI is the point you reach when you cannot recover beyond your highest reached condition. In other words, let us suppose that you initially suffered an injury that caused you to…

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