
Lawyer Fees and Other Legal Costs for a Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Lawyer When faced with an injury, you want to do everything possible to obtain the compensation you deserve. Someone who was negligent and caused your injuries should be held responsible. As you look at your options, you might consider a personal injury lawsuit against the liable party. What is the cost to hire…

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Driving with a Suspended License

Having a suspended license can be a huge inconvenience no matter the cost for the suspension. And there are so many reasons that someone’s driver’s license could be suspended. There are many people that simply forget to pay something as small as a parking ticket, while there are others who have committed criminal offenses and…

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Types of Spousal Support

Personal Injury Lawyer In many divorce cases, the court may award spousal support, which is also called alimony, to spouses. Marital misconduct is not a factor in determining whether someone is entitled to alimony or in calculating the actual payment amount. Courts instead focus on each spouse’s financial needs and future earning capacity, among other…

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What You Can Do Following a Construction Site Injury

Personal Injury Lawyer Each type of personal injury case will take on some unique measures. A construction site injury is no different. There are unique factors at play regarding construction site injuries, and you should have a lawyer by your side to ensure you are properly taken care of. The following are some things you…

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How Long Does It Take a Personal Injury Claim to Settle?

How Long Will It Take to Settle My Personal Injury Claim? Many people who file a personal injury case at the court wonder how long it takes to settle a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury lawsuits can take a few months or even a couple of years depending on the case. If someone wants to…

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What to Do When Your the Nursing Home Uses Restraints Against Your Loved One

To find out that the nursing home that your mother is a resident of has been restraining her can be a difficult thing to swallow. You may wonder if nursing homes are allowed to restrain her. In this case, there may be a good reason for your concern. Here is what you need to know…

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