
Why Are Medical Malpractice Awards Becoming More Sizeable?

Medical Negligence Lawyer When it comes to news stories about medical malpractice litigation, there are usually two competing narratives. The first is from the victim’s point of view. It typically details the injury and suffering they experienced as the result of a preventable error or physician negligence. In some cases, the damage can be permanent…

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Additional Laws that Apply to Truckers to Keep the Roads Safer

Are There Additional Laws that Apply to Truckers to Keep the Roads Safer? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is a division of the United States government that works to improve commercial vehicle safety, as well as other aspects of travel over the country’s highways and roads. Three primary concerns evolved from FMCSA’s analysis…

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Assault and Battery Victim

We live our lives on a day to day basis hoping that we are protected by law enforcement, and that people will not intentionally do us harm. Unfortunately, the world can be cruel, and some people have terrible intentions. Being attacked in any form can be traumatizing for a victim or their loved ones. Even…

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How to Know if You Have a Case

While attorneys try to settle personal injury claims outside of trial through mediation and settlement negotiations, sometimes resolving cases through mediation is not possible. Therefore, before suing, it is necessary to understand the merits of a strong case. The stronger the claim, the more likely the risk of a costly trial is worth it. Ask…

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Will My Affair Affect My Child Support and Custody?

Child Support and Child Custody There is not a clear answer to this question, because it depends on the case. A judge will look at your case and the best interests of your child when they determine support and custody arrangements. Your affair may or may not affect a judge’s decision regarding child support and…

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Do You Need a Lawyer at Your Arraignment?

Criminal Defense Lawyer Most people go their entire lives without getting into any trouble with the law. For this reason, most people do not really know how the criminal justice system works. A very important part is called the arraignment or initial appearance. What is the arraignment? Do you need to have your attorney present?…

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