If a medical provider has failed to make an accurate ovarian cancer diagnosis in your case, then it may be time to speak with a malpractice attorney. Ovarian cancer is a serious cancer which often goes undiagnosed as symptoms may not appear until late in the disease’s evolution. Yet this silent cancer spreads easily and can have a high fatality rate if not diagnosed early. It can also be treated successfully if caught early enough. Here’s a closer look at what patients and their families need to know about ovarian cancer medical malpractice.

What is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that only impacts women, and affects the reproductive organs – specifically the ovaries. There are three different types of ovarian cancer: Germ, Epithilial and Stromal. However, of these, epithelial ovarian tumors are the most common and are found in 85%-90% of all patients having ovarian cancer. Medical professionals that suspect ovarian cancer need to perform different tests to determine if you’re positive for ovarian cancer. These tests include a CA 125 blood test, an ultrasound and a pelvic exam. If these are not conclusive and yet your doctor thinks something is wrong, they should perform an exploratory surgery to confirm presence or absence of the disease.

Who is At Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

There are a number of risk factors that need to be considered for ovarian cancer. The presence of these factors should indicate that any patient presenting with symptoms be evaluated for ovarian cancer immediately:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Family history of ovarian or breast cancer
  • Previous occurrence of such cancers in the patient
  • Gynecological history, including reproductive behaviors and the use of hormones or androgen drugs
  • Obesity

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Often, the symptoms of ovarian cancer don’t present until late in the disease’s progression. Symptoms include:

  • Bowel and stomach trouble
  • Menstruation changes
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Weight loss
  • Painful intercourse
  • Back pain

Complications of Ovarian Cancer

When a medical institute fails to diagnose ovarian cancer, life-threatening complications may arise which lead to the removal of not only the ovaries but sometimes also the organs around them including parts of the intestines. This reduces the quality of life and longevity of any patient subject to such negligence. Delayed diagnosis also has a direct implication on the potential effectiveness of any treatment, including drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Have you or a loved one experienced complications of ovarian cancer related to delayed diagnosis or medical malpractice? Contact the experienced attorneys at Rasmussen and Miner today to arrange for a personalized consultation.