Car Accident Lawyer
If you experienced injuries as a passenger in an Uber accident, amidst the pain and recovery process, you are probably wondering how much your accident claim is worth. A car accident lawyer has the ability to assist you by reviewing your case and determining the value of your claim. While a lawyer may not know the exact number for you, they can provide you with a ballpark figure based upon the details of your case.
Why a Lawyer Can’t Give You an Exact Amount
It would be unfair for a lawyer to give you an exact amount for a settlement that you have not pursued yet.The reality is that you cannot really know until the negotiation process reaches a resolution. While a lawyer will certainly work to review your case and understand all key details, they cannot provide you with an exact amount. However, a car accident lawyer will provide you with their best estimation at what your case may be worth. Often this is based upon the details of your case. This can be critical for accident victims in determining whether it is in their best interest to pursue their case. Additionally, this is often the number that your lawyer will look to achieve during negotiations with the insurance company.
Elements Your Lawyer Will Look For
In the wake of an accident, chances are you will be wondering what your accident case is actually worth. This is critical when making decisions regarding whether you will move forward with your case. When determining the value of your case, your car accident lawyer will look to a number of elements to make this decision:
- The damages you have experienced
- The evidence you have in support of your case
- The likelihood that they will be able to prove the other party liable
- Whether comparative negligence is a factor
- Whether they have the ability to tie your injuries to the accident
When a lawyer takes the time to value an accident claim, they will also be assessing the likelihood that they will receive an outcome that is favorable to you. It’s important to note that lawyers working on a contingency fee basis are not likely to take on cases that they are unable to reach a resolution for.
Requesting Compensation from the Insurance Company
When requesting compensation, a car accident lawyer will work to determine that all key elements are present, compile the necessary evidence and put together a demand letter for compensation. Once this has been submitted to the insurance company, they will assign the case to an insurance adjuster and review the case. At this point, negotiations will begin. It’s not uncommon for the insurance company to provide you with a less than stellar offer to start. Keep in mind that this is just a starting off point. When an accident was the result of an Uber driver’s negligence, you may be left facing an incredibly complex situation. Your lawyer can help you pursue this process by first determining who to take legal action against.
Any type of car accident involving an at fault driver is certain to have an impact on the person who sustained injuries. When Uber is involved, you may be left unsure of who to pursue your claim against. Working with a car accident lawyer can assist by reviewing your claim, assigning value to your claim and negotiating a settlement that is in your favor. For more information about how an auto accident lawyer can help you, contact an experienced law firm today.