
When Misdiagnosed Liver Cancer Constitutes Medical Malpractice

  Misdiagnosed or delayed diagnosis of liver cancer can have serious or even fatal consequences for patients. Your liver is an important organ that supports digestion and helps the body process toxins and proteins. If the liver is damaged or has diminished function, there are limited treatment options available. The timely diagnosis and treatment of…

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Medical Malpractice: When Appendicitis is Misdiagnosed

  Medical malpractice occurs when acute appendicitis is misdiagnosed. Appendicitis is a disease of the appendix, a structure on the lower right side of the abdomen. The organ becomes inflamed. When appendicitis develops, it’s a medical emergency and requires immediate medical care. Generally, this involves the surgical removal of the appendix, which serves no known…

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The Anatomy of a Medical Malpractice Case

  Understanding what defines a medical malpractice case and the criteria that legal teams use to evaluate each case can be helpful if you think you’ve been the victim of medical malpractice. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, negligence is the third cause of death in the United States today. Just two…

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Ectopic Pregnancy Misdiagnosis and Medical Malpractice

  Usually learning of a pregnancy is a time filled with joy and anticipation. But in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, it’s both difficult and filled with serious potential health consequences for the mother. During this type of pregnancy a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus, often in the Fallopian tube and occasionally…

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Misdiagnosed Pulmonary Embolism and Medical Malpractice

  According to recent data, misdiagnosed pulmonary embolisms are among the top five causes of malpractice suits in the United States. When misdiagnosed, pulmonary embolisms are among the leading causes of death among hospitalized patients. The condition refers to a blood clot, which becomes lodged in the blood vessels of the lungs. Often, a clot…

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What Parents Need to Know About Preeclampsia Malpractice

  Soon-to-be parents are already anxious, as they happily anticipate the arrival of their child. But serious conditions like preeclampsia can be dangerous for both mother and child if not identified and treated as soon as possible. Preeclampsia (sometimes called toxemia) is the clinical term for describing high blood pressure during pregnancy or in the first…

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