
Defining Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence Lawyer Violent or abusive acts committed on a family or household member is very traumatic. These actions are considered domestic violence in the criminal justice system. Domestic violence may also include child abuse or spousal abuse. Things that describe domestic violence are predominant, forceful, and menacing. No matter what type of close relationship…

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The Basics of Punitive Damages

Personal Injury Lawyer When someone is injured in an accident, he or she can typically seek compensatory damages to cover medical bills, property damage repairs, pain and suffering, and other losses. Sometimes a judge will award the plaintiff punitive damages as well. What are they and when are they awarded? What Are Punitive Damages? Punitive…

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How Long Do You Have to Go to a Doctor After a Pedestrian Accident Caused by an Obstructed Sign?

Personal Injury Lawyer Traffic signs and signals provide important information to pedestrians. Do Not Walk signals protect pedestrians from oncoming traffic. Hidden Driveway signs alert pedestrians to the possibility of a vehicle unexpectedly entering their path. Signs warning of danger may alert pedestrians to broken sidewalks, missing guardrails, or pathways that are not intended for…

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Where Does Compensation Come From If the At-Fault Driver Is Uninsured?

When you sustain injuries in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you typically file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider to receive compensation. If that individual doesn’t have proper car insurance, you may begin to wonder how you’re going to pay your bills. Fortunately, you may have a trick up your sleeve…

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Common DUI Questions Answered

Any time a person drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can face a DUI charge. This is a serious matter that can have a lot of implications for your life, so if you’re facing a DUI, contact a lawyer for immediate help. Your attorney will be there to address your concerns and…

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Parenting a Special Needs Child During COVID-19

Parenting any child during the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a challenge, especially for those parents who are working full time from home. Across Texas, Governor Abbott closed all schools for the remainder of the year. So where does that leave the kids across the state as far as education is concerned? Homeschooled by…

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