
Common Reasons Why Car Accidents Happen

Most of the vehicle accidents that occur in this country are caused by some type of error on the driver’s part. Each year, there are approximately 40,000 victims killed in car accidents. Many of these victims practiced safe driving behaviors and obeyed all traffic regulations, but unfortunately encountered another driver who failed to do the…

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Wrongful Death Made Right  

Setting aside all of the legal mechanics involved, let’s discuss what the purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is. Most people understand the concept of consequences, and a wrongful death lawsuit is something that is probably best discussed in that context. From childhood, it is society, our parents, or other influences in our lives that…

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What is forensic accident reconstruction?

Forensic accident reconstruction is the process of taking all of the available data from an accident, including photographs and measurements taken at the accident of skid marks, photographs of impact points on the vehicles, photographs of the debris spread area, the weight of the vehicles, the amount of pressure applied to the brakes if recorded…

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The Outcry in a Child Molestation Case

The first time a person reports an allegation of abuse in a child molestation case is often referred to as an outcry.  There are many different types of outcries and the nature of the outcry can have an impact on the case. Below is a discussion of some of the different types of outcries commonly…

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Baby Birth Injuries: An Accident Or Medical Negligence?

“For to us a child is born, to us a son (or daughter) is given…”  Isaiah 9:6  The birth of a child whether heralded by Biblical prophecy or the excited call from a proud father or mother, is a time brand new parents never forget.  The birth process is, likewise, unforgettable.  Mothers love recounting to…

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Wrongful Death Claim Filed in Gas Explosion

It was the failure of gas company to fix a dangerous pipeline system that led to the death of a 12-year-old girl in Texas, according to her family. The relatives of Linda Rogers, who was just a young girl when she was killed in an explosion earlier this year, have filed a wrongful death claim…

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