
How Can I Tell If My Newborn Sustained a Birth Injury and Not a Defect?

Birth Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City, UT Parents who observe that something isn’t quite right with their newborn, may wonder whether they sustained a birth injury or have a defect. A birth defect is vastly different from a birth injury, in that it can stem from the family medical history and genetics. A birth injury…

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The Vulnerability of Being a Pedestrian

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Salt Lake City, UT Pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable when it comes to traveling by foot nearby areas of traffic. It is unfortunate that not all drivers operate their vehicle with attention and respect for pedestrians. It is not uncommon for a driver to be distracted or forget to look for those on…

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How To Get Help After Your Cruise Ship Injury

Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City, UT While cruise ships are meant to bring passengers peace, joy, adventure, and relaxation, the same is not true for every person on board the ship. Unfortunately for some, accidents can happen on cruise ships, whether it was caused by a person, activities on board, or activities on shore….

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Am I At Risk for an Injury or Illness While On Board a Cruise Ship?

Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City, UT When people spend thousands of dollars for a cruise ship vacation, perhaps the last thing on their mind is sustaining an injury while having a good time. However, there are unique risks associated with cruise ships. These companies often provide entertainment that was designed for land purposes only,…

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What is Child Neglect or Abuse?

Lawyer While each state has different laws and stipulations when considering child abuse or child neglect, it is typically categorized the same. Parents sometimes fear losing their child for some things that may not even be considered neglect or abuse. While other parents, know they have abused or neglected their child and understand these actions…

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What if I Suffered from Dental Trauma Due to a Car Accident?

Dental Implants Millions of drivers are injured each year in America due to car accidents. And of these collisions, a vast majority of victims sustained moderate to severe injuries. There is also a significant percentage who suffered from painful face and jaw injuries. To repair such damage, it can be incredibly expensive for the victim,…

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